Hey Volunteers! The Meals on Wheels movement begins with YOU! 

Bring-A-Friend the week of August 17-21 or attend our OPEN HOUSE on Friday, August 21 from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM. Many of our existing volunteers were recruited by a volunteer. So Bring-A-Friend!

We're located on the backside of the 12-story Almus Olver Towers building at the corner of Burt Street and Oakwood Ave. Our parking and entrance is located off of Oakwood Ave, south of Burt Street.

We're adding more routes! That means we need more volunteers. Plus, we've been working hard to improve the overall volunteer experience. We now offer: 
-Shorter routes
-Better directions
-New technology features
-Call/text reminders
-Online scheduling

Ready to volunteer? Apply online here.