Bipartisan OAA Bill Introduced in Congress
Senators Take Action to Support Our Programs and Seniors Served

We are excited to report that leaders of the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) introduced S. 192, The Older Americans Act Reauthorization Act of 2015 this week. Given that the 114th Congress has just begun, this action demonstrates strong, bipartisan commitment to the Older Americans Act (OAA), its programs and the seniors you serve. It is also a testament to your continued advocacy efforts and the difference they’ve made. Let’s keep the momentum going as this bill moves to the next stage of the legislative process!

Summing it Up

For nearly 50 years, the OAA has supported the nutrition services and infrastructure that enable millions of our nation’s seniors to grow older in their communities and live with the independence and dignity they deserve. If enacted, S. 192 would reauthorize the OAA programs, including Title III Home-Delivered, Congregate and the Nutrition Services Incentive Programs, through 2018. It would also make important improvements to further protect our most vulnerable seniors. You can review a summary of the legislation here.

The Association commends Senate HELP Committee Chairman Alexander (R-TN), Ranking Member Murray (D-WA), Senator Burr (R-NC) and Senator Sanders for their hard work and dedication in crafting this bipartisan legislation, and we thank them for their continued recognition of the tremendous value of Meals on Wheels home-delivered and congregate programs. To learn more, read their joint press release regarding S. 192 here.

Next Steps

The Senate HELP Committee is scheduled to debate S. 192 next Wednesday, and we’ll need your voices to push it forward. This legislation must pass out of the Committee before moving to the full Senate for consideration.

Check the roster to see if your Senator sits on the Senate HELP Committee. We strongly urge you to give his or her office a call, send a quick email or message via social media to ask him or her to support this legislation on behalf of your program and the seniors you serve.