A Huge Thank You from Meals on Wheels of Syracuse!
We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who participated in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade on behalf of Meals on Wheels of Syracuse!
A special shoutout to our dedicated walkers, the incredible Alley Cat bike riders, and the McGuire Foundation for your support. Your participation made the day so much brighter and helped spread joy and community spirit.
It was an amazing day filled with fun, laughter, and a shared commitment to making a difference in the Syracuse community. We couldn’t have done it without each of you!
Thank you for your continued support!
#MealsOnWheels #StPatricksDayParade #SyracuseCommunity #ThankYou #CommunitySupport #Teamwork #Gratitude #McGuireFoundation #AlleyCatRiders #StrongerTogether